Thursday, May 28, 2009

National Service – How can this be amended or improved further to alleviate the problem of dodging

National service is an inportant period and mission for the males of Singapore citizens. It is the compulsory conscription in Singapore of all male Singaporean citizens and second-generation permanent residents upon reaching the age of 18. The national service is important for the millitary of Singapore. National service makes sure the Singapore’s defence. It also provides an idea that Singaporeans should protect their own country. However, national service also faces challenges from the people. It is not surprising that some people avoid the national service. Thus, I think that the national service should be improved or reformed in some ways.

Before, we think about how to improve national service, we should be sure that national service is very important to the nation’s defence, thus it should not be avoided. Besides, we should consider carefully what reasons make people dodge national service. I think that there are two main reasons. Some people dodge national service because they fear the tough life in the army. Some others dodge national service because of their study.

About the first problem, I think that the way to solve this question is very easy. If people fear the tough life in the army. We can change and improve the environment of the troops and thus can serve the soldies a better place to spend in the 2 years. This can make people fear less about the national service. The time is changing, we do not need to pursue the tough place for soldiers to live in. However, the army life still has challenges to the soldiers. They must get different exercise to become a real soldier from a simple man. This process cannot be cancelled. If the people stll cannot stand for these things, this means they still want to dodge the national service. We must give those people punishment. The people who avoided national service may be fined or give up the Singapore nationality. We can let those people fear punishment more than the national service. Therefore, the good environment and punishment for the people who dodge the national service can solve the problem of dodging in some ways.

However, I think that the second problem is harder to solveand much more controversial. The study affects some people’s national service in some ways. When the man become 18 years old, they just graduate from junior college and some people will go for university and even for higher degrees. If they go for their national service, this means there is a pause on the career of their study. They have to go to the university over 2 years after they graduate from junior college. This pause will affect their study. Some students may not like to drop their study for national service. If some students go abroad for university. They would even drop their nationlity because of the punishment of dodging national service. This also causes many local talents abroad and cannot return to Singapore.Actually, this problem is harder to solve and more controversial. In some ways, we may think that national service is too important, so every one have the obligation to have no matter having what reasons. However, in the other hands, we may feel pity about the pause on the study and talents abroad. Thus, we must take a good way to make sure both sides’ interests.

I think that, for students who want to continue their study, we can give them special treat. The national service in the army is too long for them. They cannot afford 2 years’ time. Therfore, we can train them in short time and let them get the sodliers’ skills in the several months’ training. They do not stay in the barracks. To make sure they get the skills of soldiers, we can let them get training in their holidays. In this way, even though they are not in the army, they can stll behave like a soldier and in the special time, they can also protect their country. For those who go abroad, they usually drop their nationality. However, if they return to Singapore and are the citizens of Singapore, they must serve an organisation of the government in Singapore to contribute the nations development. In this way, the have the national service in another ways.

Therefore, we have different ways to solve this problems to different kinds of people with different reasons to dodge national service. Moreover, I think that when government improves and reforms the national service, government must be both strict and reasonable
Free will’s gambling

Because of the debate on the casino in Singapore, the issues are transmitted to the paternalism of the Singapore goverments. It is obviously that this issue is mainly about the freedom and liberty in individuals and the politics with the control of the goverment. People may think that the government is like a nanny or parent looking after the kids, but lack of the freedom. I think that the paternalism is not necessarily undisirable. In some ways, the paternalism of the government is good to a country and its people. Besides, I think that paternalism is not paradoxical with liberty.

About the social contract, every people get their own rights, but different people and organisations may have different interests. When their intersts conflict each other, the social problems may be caused. Therfore, an organisation with power may be used to regulate the conflicts to achieve a balance, than make sure people’s rights. Thus, the government is needed. With this issue, we are sure that the government should control the condition like parents. Sometimes, the government may not achieve some people’s demands because of the majority or the social repercussions. However, this is necessary. Just like the casino peoblems, some people may like to have a casino in Singapore but the government may think about the effects of the casino and contrast between the bebefits and bad effects and then disagree about this decision. To determine the main direction of the nation is the job of the government. When deciding the issues like the casino, the patanarlism is necessary.

Besides, paternalism is not totally opposite the liberty and liberty is also not anarchism. Government’s paternalism actually helps the people make sure their rights and benefits. If the liberty is to let the people have their own plan of life, we can suppose what the society will be like. For example, about the casino, some people says that they want casino and this is their life’s choice. Casino is a place to gamble which can make home broken, and is a kind of social problems. If their demand is achieved, we may find that when they get some freedom, they also lose some rights. They will lose the normal life. They will lose their development. This is not what liberty is supposed to do. Like the pornography, smuggling and drugs, these kind of things should be forbiden. Thus, paternalism should be used at this time. Without the paternalism, we may not be sure the society’s direction. To achieve the hamony of the society, the paternalism is also not entirely undisirable.

Therefore, we know the paternalism’s importance and the free will’s sometimes bad effects in some ways. The free will is just like the gambling in the casino. It may take the benefits sometimes, but it also has large risks. It may take bad effects and the society may be affected. At that tine, the paternalism should be used toward the issues which may drive the nation to the wrong direction. The government also should act like parents in the home to teach and lead the people to the right way and make sure the development

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How advertising informs to our benefit

Advertisements are an important part in the process of business nowadays. The purpose of advertising is to serve the basic information and adventages of the merchandise to attract the consumers. A good adventages can get good effects and take large bebefits. According to the passage given, I do not very agree on the views of the author.

The author thinks that advertisements carry the information with the products so that the products can be sold with the information. Actually, this is true. The advertisements can bring the information, but we cannot simply say that this can take us benefits. We must firstly consider the information. Usually, the information ‘s credibility is necessary to be considered. When businessmen use the advertisements to help sell the products, the information taken by the advertisements is usually about the adventages and good effects of the products. The advertisements usually avoid the bad effects and the shortage of the products. The advertisements of medicine and cigarette are good examples. Medicines usually have the side effects. However, in the advertisements, the side effects are not shown to the consumers. Therefore, the consumers cannot get a complete information. About the advertisements of the cigarette, the shortage is more obvious.
Smoking is harmful to the body. However, the businesemen want to sell the products better, so they have to avoid this point or say that smoking is not harmful. The results are that the consumers do not get enough information or are cheated. Therfore, although consumers can get information from the advertisements, the incomplete or false information still can take the results that consumers are disppointed about the products after paying the money. Thus, consumers actually do not get benefits.

Besides, consumers cannot get the information freely. Using advertisements costs more money so that the cost of the products is improved and the price must also be improved. Therefore, when the consumers use the information, they actually cost more to buy the products. The benefits of consumers are lowed.

However, the advertisements’ information can also take the consumers benefits. The advertisements can take additional information to consumers. Advertisements’ additional information can help us judge other products’ shortage. For example, the advertisements of the toothpastes usually use some scientific research to show the adventage of the products. When we get the information, we can know the bad effects of the sugar. This is good to the consumers.

About the point of the price-advertising, in some ways, it can help the consumers because of the lower price, but because of the use of advertisements, the cost actually is improved. Thus the pay of the consumers is improved, but because of the increasing number of consumers, the businesemen still can make sure their profits. Besides, we still cannot sure if the price is reasonable even if the price becomes lower. Therfore, we cannot say this take a lot of benefits.

According to the analysation, I agree with the author to a small extent.

About the impact of the honesty and integrity, I think these are needed to be considered about some products such as cigarette and medicine, because these kinds of products have side effects and can conflict with company’s bottomline. Thus, the honesty and integrity about these kinds of products are more important. Therfore, the company must try to increase the extent of true and complete information. If I designed an advertisements about cigarette, I may mention that the harm of the smoking and emphasis the amount of smoking so that the consumers can be warned about the harmth but also the products can be sold.