Saturday, March 21, 2009

President’s Star Charity Show- is there a need for artistes to perform stunts to milk the public’s compassion for more generous donations?

President’s Star Charity Show- is there a need for artistes to perform stunts to milk the public’s compassion for more generous donations?

When some accidents happen, people will give a hand to the people in trouble. People also give help to the charity. In this time, we can usually find that many artistes usually perform stunts as they offer help to those people. I think that it is necessary for artistes to perform stunts to milk the public’s compassion. Although donation should not be stimulated by performance, the artistes’ stunts usually can get a good results on milking the public’s compassion. We can find more benefits from the performance.

I have several reasons to support my view. Firstly, the artistes’s jobs are giving performance, and this makes them public characters, like sporters and politicals. This enables them to have a large effects to the people. Some people may think that donations come from people’s heart naturally. But after the artistes’ performing, people’s compassion can be increased. During their performance, people may be moved and then offer more help. There is a real affairs. In 2008, after the earthquake happened in Sichuan, China, there is a party held, many artistes took part in it. During the party, they give performance. That party’s atmosphere was with sadness. After the party, people were moved and over a billion yuan was raised to help the people in earthquaked areas. This things proved that the artistes’ effects are large and can make a good results in helping the people. So artistes’ perfrmance can make better effects although people should help those poor people from their heart.

Moreover, I think that this kind of show supply a larger stage to show the poor of society to the people to get people’s donations. Although we need to help the poor people, but sometimes we do not realize their circumstances and where they are. The artistes’ performances make sure that we know more about this kind of poor people. In the meantime, the artistes’ ability to help poor people is not infinite. Their performance can gather more people’s donations and help. This can really help those people in trouble. Only more people know about the poor people, more help can be gathered. Besides, the artistes give performance, and then, those artistes can show the audience how much help and money they have offered. This also avoids the circumstance that the artistes only perform but not supply help and spend money.

Finally, I want to mention that the help is only the responsibility, but not obligation. And I think that not all the artistes have a very hot heart to help the poor people or spend very much money on the charity. But the artistes as public characters should not only give people pleasure, but also have more social responsibilities. The performance just show how responsible the artistes. And this can also give those unresponsible and unkind artistes a pressure to make them help the poor people. Besides, the artistes depend on media and know about media very well. So the performance is just the artistes use media’s power to help those people.

From above, we can relize that how useful the artistes’ performance are. The performance can offer more help and get more people’s donation and make more people to help the poor people. The performancer can also stimulate people's compassion and make people know more about the society's poor people to make people relize their burdens. With so many benefits, I think that is really necessary for artistes to perform stunts to increase people’s compassion.

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