Saturday, July 18, 2009

Today’s library, tomorrow’s ‘googlary’

From library to googlary, I think that this process is impossible. For that Google cannot be a library, although it is so popular and useful. Besides, in my opinion, the relation between library and googlary is just a part of the relation between the traditional tools and modern technology. We must say that Google help modern people a lot and supply a lot of convenience. We can find the information from it without go to the library to look up the books. Its advantages cannot be ignored. However, I think that Google is different from the library and just like all the other traditional things we have, the library still cannot be replaced and it still has the advantages.

The impression of the library is usually a big and quiet room with numbers of rows of shelves full of books. People must walk between the shelves to find out what they need. In library, people cannot get what they want at once. They have to spend efforts on the process. The impression of Google is just that we type in the words about what we want and press the ‘enter’, then a lot of information comes out. In my opinion, from the process and the result, library and Google are totally different. When we type in the key word, a lot of information comes out. However the information is not all useful. Usually, some articles we do not want may also appear on the screen just because the key words are in the article. Therefore, after typing in the words in Google, we still need choose the useful information from so many the useless. However, in library, the books are not arranged in such a messy way. We may find the books with the same theme together, but not because they have the same words.

Besides, I think that in library, we get books. However, in Google, we get information, but not books. Although books provide information, they are still different. People will choose to use Google when they face some problems and want to get some in formation about that. However, nobody may want to read a whole book on the computer for pleasure or investigating. Thus, library can serve people a place to read the books. Google cannot achieve this, even though it made all the digitalized books. There may still be no one want to read. For reading on the computer is unhealthy and that we cannot find the atmosphere and pleasure from reading the real books. In another way, from Google, we can only get the information about one subject during the process of finding, but in the library, we may get some other surprising books during the finding. As a result, Google can only give people service when people are busy and concentrate on some subject. For those free people who enjoy reading, library is obviously more suitable.

Moreover, I think that library is not just a place of books for reader. It is also a symbol for the knowledge. Library is sublime, just like the disciplines in the library. No matter how many digitalized books Google can serve, it cannot become the symbol, but a webpage. For the culture of library is already formed in people’s brains, just like the book cannot be made without paper.

Therefore, I think that today, we have library. Tomorrow, we may have googlary, but we will still have library. The library will not be replaced. We should do so if we think that knowledge and books are still valuable.

A gift of a programme

As the PRC scholar, I do not know about the gifted education programme (GEP) very much. From the context, I think that GEP is just a kind of elites system. Students from GEP may be thought about the best students in Singapore. In my opinion, GEP does not cause many problems to the society and education of Singapore. Besides, GEP is good to the meritocratic system in Singapore. Singapore needs elites and the goal of GEP is to supply the elites to society. The mainly issue about GEP is if GEP will provide too many snobs to Singapore. Besides, Singaporeans may concern that if that the GEP students are really the nerds with talents and hardworking now.

About the first problem, I think that there may always be some snobs from GEP. We do not want the elitism. However, it cannot be avoided. When the GEP develop students with talents, the elitism may occur. Thus, we cannot stop the GEP just because of elitism. Moreover, the snobs are not only from GEP. For example, Hwa Chong Institution and Raffles Institution are both top schools. Students from those schools may feel proud. If the feeling of proud is too strong, the feeling of elitism is formed. The students are all different. The levels will not disappear, thus the elitism cannot disappear easily. What we can do is just to reduce to students affected by the elitism. Actually, I think that the good students need to be humble to face the new knowledge. As a result, when GEP breed elites, it must develop the students in different aspects, not only about studies. Therefore, the GEP students may be humble and like the normal students. The snobs are just minority.

In another way, I do not find that the students around me care much about the GEP. I do not know who are from GEP. This may reflect that GEP may help develop the students, but GEP does not separate the students. This may stop the elitism as much as possible. For the elites are in the normal students thus they may not feel they are very special.

In my opinion, the second problem is much more serious than the elitism. Singapore in the global time needs elites. However, if GEP can breed elites effectively? I think this deserves us to consider. As we know, the studies in a large part depend on the students’ attitude. After the students become the member of GEP, we are not sure if they can always keep working hard and get good results. Some students’ studies may become worse. I have some friends in China. They are the typical students who are the kind that I mention above. In sec 1, they study very well and they are the top students. However, in sec 2 and sec 3, they are not the top students any more, although their results are also okay. Therefore, I think that this may also happen to the GEP students. Now, some students are not hardworking as before. Their attitide is not very good either. The result of breeding ineffectively is even worse than breeding snobs.

Therefore, about GEP, I think that what we need to consider should be about the efficiency on breeding elites. Besides, we should consider about the elitism caused by the meritocratic system. Most importantly, I think that we should think about the education of Singapore that if elites are bred effectively.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Casino Debate

About the casino debate in Singapore, in my opinion, having a local casino does not mean the Singaporeans’ morality will degenerate. We must admit that a casino can bring some social impacts to Singapore. However, I think that it is exaggeration to say that all the Singaporeans will go to gamble and there would be no more shopping, working, study and even the normal life, if there is a casino in Singapore.

Singapore is a tiny nation. To develop surrounded by so many countries, it must keep competitive. Singapore’s economy depends on the tourism in some extents and it needs to attract more people to Singapore. However, after so many years, the same scenario may not attract more people. To still keep competitive in tourism, Singapore has to change. Having a casino is actually a good way to reform the tourism in Singapore. A casino can bring some profits to the country. Besides, Singapore can be attractive like Macau.

About some people’s objection, I think that they mainly concern about the social impacts of the casino such as money laundering and the degeneration of Singaporeans’ morality. I think these two aspects of the impact can be dealt with.

Firstly, about the idea that having a casino is just taking a short cut to instant wealth is unreasonable. Having a casino in Singapore is just to help the economy. The basis of Singapore’s development is still the industry. Singapore will not give up developing the industry and education. Besides, Singapore cannot become a city famous for gambling like Las Vegas just because a casino in IR. The decision to build a casino is to help the economy of Singapore but not change Singapore.

Moreover, the idea that all Singaporeans will concentrate on gambling but not working is a little absurd. The reaction of the Singaporeans to gambling is not up to whether there is a casino in Singapore, but their own attitude. If the people indulge in gambling, they will still go for the illegal gambling or go abroad to go to the casino even there is no casino in Singapore. Therefore, there is no direct connection between the degeneration and local casino. Besides, the people may indulge in the dream to become rich in one night. However, the laws restrictions can make them distinguish the dream and the real world. If the students indulge in gambling because of the casino and do not study, we must stop the casino. However, will all the people do that or just the minority? Besides, if we prevent the casino with this reason, why we do not prevent the internet because the people indulge in that?

About somebody’s suspicion, we can find out the casinos’ effects from Macau. Macau is famous for the gambling. Macau’s economy depends on gambling basically. However, Macau is one of the most active economic regions in south-east Asia. The tourism is prosperous in Macau. Besides, the politics in Macau is also very good, unlike the people’s ideas about a mass for the casino. If the casino will take the social impacts like the people think, why the Chinese government clear out all the casinos in Macau or restrict the number of casinos in Macau to prevent the degeneration after the hand-over?

Therefore, from the examples in the life nowadays, we cannot totally say that having a local casino is wrong. Although the casino may take some social problems, the extents of the impacts and if we get the benefits is still not sure. Thus, I think that having a casino in Singapore can be tried.