Friday, April 10, 2009

Science: a Menace to Civilisation?

Before we talk about the question about whether the science is a menace to civilisation, I think that we should firstly give a definition to the civilisation. In my context, civilisation means the stage of human social development. We know that the development of the human society is with the development of the science and technology and the tools. Therefore, the science is the basis of the civilisation, how can we say that science is a menace to civilisation? Thus, I think that it is unfair to denounce civilisation as such.

From the ancient time, the science took the human beings a lot of benefits. The science about how to use fire, how to make tools makes people leave the time of savage. The science in agriculture takes humans into the agricultural civilisation. Most importantly, it makes the ancient people survive from the grim environment. Without science, we cannot even survive. It is more impossible that civilisation can development without science. Besides, when we think about the civilisation, we usually think of the Egyptian pyramids, the palace of the old kingdoms or the skyscrapers of the modern cities. Those elements of the civilisation all come from science. Thus, we can find that science contribute to the civilisation but not menace it.

After the science makes human beings live in the earth, it continues making the societies developing and making the life of humans better. As the time passes, many new things are invented with the help of the science such as trains, planes, lights, telephones. Those inventions solve many problems in the human life and supply a lot of convenience to the societies. Especially the development in the medical science conquers many diseases and makes sure human beings have a healthier life. Therefore, the science accelerates the development of civilisation.

Most importantly, the science help the civilisation objectively by improve the level of people’s ideas. As the science develops and helps in the societies, people gradually realize and control the science. Meanwhile, humans realize the world, environment and themselves more. They can answer many questions in the life with the science but not with the theology, thus science lead people away from the superstition. For example, Darwin’s theory about the humans’ ancestors and natural selections makes a large leap in people’s thought about the world; people also get rid of the control of the religion. The civilisation can go on developing. Besides, as the science develops, the humans get more and more education. Their thoughts can become more and more active. The ability of thinking can liberate people from the pressure in the thoughts. The development in politics also appears such as the democracy, social contrast. Therefore, when there is an obstacle in the road of the civilisation, science can always help people solve it.

But some people may think that science should be responsible for the destruction in the human society and the exploitation in the environment. But I think that the destruction in the human societies such the threats of the nuclear weapon, the chemical and biological weapons and more frightening things are not directly caused by the science. When a theory or an invention of science appears, the purpose is good. But some people do not use the science properly, thus cause so many problems. As for the exploitation of the environment, I think it is caused by the greedy and ignorant of humans. The humans’ ignorant and greedy make people exploit the environment improperly. Thus many destruction and waste appears. Now we can only use science to conquer and remedy the faults made by humans.

Therefore, we can find that science as the basis of the civilisation, contributes a lot to the human civilisation, but not a menace. Thus I think it is unfair to denounce science as the menace to the civilisation.

Friday, April 3, 2009

What is the real substance of pornography and how should we treat those materials?

What is the real substance of pornography and how should we treat those materials?

Pornography is a controversial and serious problem. There are mainly two points of views about it. Some people think that it should be objected and we should form a stricter censorship. The new view is that pornography does not do anything wrong, and the pornography is just an expression about the sexual activities and even helpful in some ways. In my opinion, pornography is ‘morally objected’ and we should assert the censorship of pornography.

I think that before we talk about this question, we should firstly give the pornography a definition Pornography is materials about sexual activities, maybe movies, books, comics, pictures. It is used to stimulate people’s sexual excitement. The main purpose of pornography is on financial. The producer of pornography use male’s sexual fantasies to get profits. Most seriously, pornography has many bad effects on the society and the people.

The pornography is not good to the audience, especially the teenagers. These kinds of materials are very bad to the development of the teenagers. When the pornography is produced, no one knows who will be the audience. There are also many different ways to transmit the pornography, for example, now the pornography can be widely found on the internet. Through those ways, especially on the internet, the teenagers can watch and be affected by the pornography. The teenagers are still in the process of growing. They have not got the mature thoughts. So they are more easily affected. Watching this kind of blue materials can affect their whole life. Thus, the teenagers are the gravest victims. After watching the pornography, they may indulge in the content of the pornography. The content of the pornography can make people imitate. Thus, young people can do many wrong things and grow in bad direction. The effect of the blue materials even can make them break the law and do bad things, such as raping. Besides, it is unquestionable that the pornography only shows the pleasant about the sexual activities, but without any other element such as mental love, social ethics and responsibilities. All the content of the pornography is nearly impossible in the real life. So watching the pornography, people may get a kind of sexual illusions which is nearly impossible to happen in the real life. They may lose in a false sexual world. All these bad effects can make them become an mentally unhealthy person. If the citizens, especially the teenagers become like that, we all know what will happen to the society.

Moreover, the pornography also does not respect human rights, especially women’s human rights. In the pornography, woman is used as a sexual tool for males’ sexual fantasy. But in fact, female as a part of the society, they make a lot of contribution to the society. Their use is not only on the sexuality. Giving such a role to the female in the pornography does totally not respect their human rights and even break their social outside appearance. This wrong ideas may be transmitted into people’s brain and make their thoughts very shallow. Now we live in a modern world that male and female are in the same level, these kinds of wrong ideas may decelerate the societies’ development. This condition also reflects that the pornography is truly ‘morally objected’.
But the new ideas on the pornography show that the pornography is helpful to those shy, unattractive and disabled people to satisfy their sexual fantasies on vision and without any mistakes. In my context, this point of view is totally absurd. This view says that the pornography helps them satisfy their sexual fantasies. But the way is very harmful. During the process they enjoy themselves, they actually get harm mentally. The way does not solve the problem but take more bad effects. Besides, the way is with the cost of infringing the human rights. We have also found so many bad effects above, how the pornography is without any mistake. Thus, I think that pornography is ‘morally objected’ and we should assert the censorship to prevent it from harming the world